For over 20 years I have used Dr. Martin Inks, the colours are so vibrant, some of these go back a long way. I also use gouache a lot. I usually start designing by using my sketchbook and a pencil drawing become an ink/gouache painting becomes a print … I have a library of reference books, again many going back a long way and from my print design days in New York and London. There used to be great specialist book shops for reference and many of mine are well dog eared by now … I keep and look after my brushes, i wash them with soapy water after using. These are well travelled from London to New York to Cape Town and now back in Dublin some have seen better days but I hate to throw them out. They have had a full, varied and colour filled life and are still going strong. Buy well and buy less … ! So here is a not every day studio pic but I’d tided up the studio as a film crew was coming out to interview me about my latest silk scarf and tunic dress collection. So it was a rare day of neatness and strawberries! This is my work station for computer work, I draw and paint in my sketcbook and then I sometimes scan my artwork into photoshop and work away there. Photoshop and digital printing has revolutionised my creative process as in the past I had to replicate everything by hand and it became monotonous and not creative at all so it definitely has a positive place in my studio, especially when used creatively and I love using 2 screens!